Majer inženiring d.o.o Other equipment

Classified ad : Sale

Woodworking machinery

Forest machinery

Other equipment

Producer & type : Majer inženiring d.o.o
Status : New
Year of manufacture : 2023
Shipping / Transport / Payment : EXW – Ex Works (named place)
Price : 53583.75 USD /pc
(Original price - EUR)
  (49500.00 EUR)
Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o. Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o. Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o. Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o. Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o. Other equipment Majer inženiring d.o.o  |  Forest machinery | Woodworking machinery | Majer inženiring d.o.o.
Advertiser :
Address : Stegne 35
City / Post code : Ljubljana 1000
Country : Slovenia
Phone / Mobile : 0038641712364
E-mail :
Web site :
Contact person : Tadej Novak
Company activity :
    Woodchipper & shredder, Machinery and tools maintance, Sawmill machinery, Other equipment, Other equipment, Other equipment, Bandsaw blade, Gangsaw blade, Producer / Manufacturer, Companies, operations, Double saw blade angle saw, Woodworking machinery, Package cross-cut saw, Cross-cut saw for round timber, Cross-cut saw – optimizer, Prism-shaping saw, Cross-cut saw, Edging saw, Multi rip saw, Bandsaw, Sawmill machinery

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